شركة مصنع المحتسب لمواد التجميل - La première plateforme numérique spécialisée de demandes et d'offres de produits industriels et miniers dans les pays arabes


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شركة مصنع المحتسب لمواد التجميل

Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
Posted products: 0
Company type : Limited liability company
Manager :

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Company products

Al-Muhtaseb Cosmetics Factory; A Jordanian company founded in the capital, Amman, in 1998. The company owns several brands that include “Dead Sea Products,” “Men’s Hair Care Products,” and other production lines. Our products are characterized by the highest levels of quality and rely on continuous research and development, which has enabled them to compete strongly in the local, Arab and European markets.

Company requests & needs

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Customers evaluation

Company evaluation

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