Introducing the platform - La première plateforme numérique spécialisée de demandes et d'offres de produits industriels et miniers dans les pays arabes


The idea of creating the platform

The idea of establishing the “platform” was launched at the initiative of the Arab Organization for Industrial Development, Standardization and Mining, within the framework of its support for the efforts of member states in facing the repercussions of the emerging Corona pandemic (COVID19) and to meet the increasing demand for necessary industrial goods and products, raw materials and intermediates that are used in production processes. And to serve as an interactive window that includes the needs and requests of countries for commodities, food products, equipment, and medical, health and pharmaceutical supplies, as they constitute the most demanded products during the beginnings of the pandemic, in addition to data for some Arab industrial and export companies and institutions that have production capabilities to meet these necessary needs.

The organization has worked to develop the fields of this platform to include all industrial sectors of various types and classifications, to become the first official industrial platform specialized for requests and offers of industrial products in the Arab countries. In this way, the platform will provide an interactive database to link the Arab bodies concerned with submitting requests, tenders, procurement and supplies on the one hand, and the bidders from factories, companies, industrial and export institutions on the other hand.

The purpose of creating the platform

Through the establishment of this platform, the organization aims to achieve industrial integration and promote inter-Arab trade in industrial products, through the following:
  • Supporting supply and demand opportunities for industrial products and facilitating the benefit of Arab countries from each other
  • Opening channels of communication between the Arab industrial production structures in their various sectors and exchanging the savings of produced commodities
  • Strengthening the supply and supply chains that link Arab industries to each other
  • Activating the movement of export and import between the Arab countries
  • Spread the spirit of fruitful and continuous cooperation between industrial establishments

Platform features:

The platform is characterized by a set of features that stimulate the interactive process between users and facilitate the presentation of requests and offers for Arab industrial products in an easy and simplified manner, as follows:
  • The ability to use and download the platform on tablets and smart phones.
  • An integrated and comprehensive electronic system characterized by quality, speed and ease.
  • Sustainability and flexibility in facing changes with the ability to develop.
  • Transparency, reliability, protection of rights, security and privacy.
  • The stimulating and attractive environment for government agencies and public and private sector institutions concerned with industrial requests and tenders, and for Arab factories, companies and industrial export institutions.
  • Providing wider options and opportunities for industrialists in the easiest and fastest way.
  • The possibility of linking and transfer via social media for users
  • Log in and register for the platform without any fees.

Interaction with the platform (how does the platform work)

Governmental agencies and private sector institutions in the Arab countries concerned with government procurement and supply can interact with this platform by registering and presenting their requests and needs (tenders, bids and auctions) related to industrial products in various sectors to be available to industrial institutions wishing to fulfill these requests. The same is true for manufacturers (Arab export factories, companies, and industrial institutions), so that registration on the platform gives them an opportunity to view new tenders and requests without bothering to search for them, in addition to introducing their activities, presenting offers of industrial goods and products, and announcing them in an easy and simplified manner.

1 – Register on the platform:

Users wishing to benefit from the platform’s services, whether by publishing requests (tenders, bids, and auctions), registering factories and companies’ data, or advertising an industrial product, must register on the platform to obtain a free account, by following the following steps:

First Step: First registration on the platform

  • Click the registration icon at the top of the screen, or the Add Order button on the Orders page or the Add Factory button on the Offers page, a pop-up window will appear containing login for users, and creating a new account for those who do not have an account.
  • Click on the I do not have an account button, where you must fill out the registration form, choose the username and password, add the email, etc., and choose other information from the drop-down lists.
  • Click Save Account to finish registration. You will receive a welcome message on the entered email, and the message includes an electronic link to activate the account. The user must then click on the link to activate his account.
  • After the account activation process is successful, the username and password are entered in the space provided for that. On the login page, two additional options are available before logging in, which are to recover the password and register a new account.

Second Step: Log in to the platform and complete the additional information, according to the type of service required

  • After registering on the platform and activating the account, the user is logged in by clicking on the registration icon at the top of the screen, or through the add request icon on the orders page or the add factory icon on the offers page, then writing the username and password and clicking on the login icon.
  • After the success of the process of logging into the platform, the user is shown the interface for entering additional information, where the information to be added to the platform is selected, by clicking on the required service icon (add order / add factory) and then filling in the boxes that will appear on the registration form
  • Additional information. Also, at this stage, the user can add the factory or company logo (LOGO) or any other attachments, by clicking on the download attachments icon. After that, the user presses the (Finish) button to complete the required additional information.
  • After completing the required additional information, the user will go to his account information page, which contains all the information entered (with the possibility of modifying it and adding other information such as offers and others).
  • The platform team will review and verify all data as much as possible in preparation for publishing it on the site.
Share on social network

After publishing the data on the platform’s website by the platform’s team, the platform provides users with the ability to connect, transfer and share via social media through the following steps:

Step 1: Click to open the user-uploaded orders, factories and companies data and scroll to the bottom of this data.
Step 2: It will show you social network icons such as Facebook, Twitter, etc. Just click on the selected icon to share the data on your social network.

How to post ads on the platform

The “platform” provides advertisers from industrial companies, manufacturers, industrial support service providers and other related parties with advertising spaces for a fee on its website, to introduce itself and promote its industrial products and services, which helps it reach a wide range of manufacturers, businessmen and consumers in various parts of the Arab countries. These advertising spaces have been allocated in proportion to the needs of advertisers, at well-studied and distinguished prices, according to specific controls and conditions, and in different spaces distributed on all pages in a professional and exemplary manner to comply with the controls for advertisements and product marketing.

For more details about the conditions for publishing advertisements on the platform, you can contact the platform team by clicking on the Contact Us link at the top of the page or by sending an e-mail to

Platform sponsoring

The platform allows companies, major industrial institutions, Arab organizations and other institutions whose objectives are compatible with the objectives of the platform to contribute to sponsoring the platform in accordance with the legal and financial controls and privileges granted. Strategic sponsors and industrial partners will have some of their names and logos on the platform pages. For more details about the platform’s sponsorship, you can contact the platform’s team by clicking on the Contact Us link at the top of the page, or by sending an e-mail to

Search for requests and offers
First method: direct search:
  • Direct search by country: by clicking on the country flag at the top of the screen on all pages, and then selecting requests or offers in this country.
  • Direct search by industrial sectors: by clicking on the industrial sector icons, whether on the home page or on the requests and offers pages on the left side of the screen, and then selecting the required industrial sector

The second method: Advanced search via the field designated for the search: by choosing the name of the country, sector or industrial product, with the possibility of adding some keywords related to the quality of the required industrial products

Contact us:

You can contact the platform team by clicking on the contact us icon at the top of the page or through the data provided at the bottom of each page, or by emailing
