Requests - La première plateforme numérique spécialisée de demandes et d'offres de produits industriels et miniers dans les pays arabes


Sultanate of Oman

Supply and installation of car tires for the Agricultural Research Department in Al Dakhiliyah Governorate

Categorization : Manufacture of motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers

Sultanate of Oman

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Replacing the air conditioning unit in Samail Hospital in Al Dakhiliyah Governorate

Categorization : Manufacture of electrical equipment

Sultanate of Oman

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Supply and installation of an immunoassay device with consumables at the Royal Hospital

Categorization : Manufacture of basic pharmaceutical products and pharmaceutical preparations

Sultanate of Oman

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Supply of personal protective equipment and uniforms for Asyad group of companies

Categorization : Manufacture of machinery and equipment not elsewhere classified

Sultanate of Oman

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Office 365 email security

Categorization : Manufacture of computers, electronic and optical products

Sultanate of Oman

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Rehabilitation of electricity at the Food Safety Center, Bagla

Categorization : Manufacture of electrical equipment

Sultanate of Oman

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Supply of laboratory materials

Categorization : Manufacture of basic pharmaceutical products and pharmaceutical preparations

Sultanate of Oman

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Ad space
