Requests - La première plateforme numérique spécialisée de demandes et d'offres de produits industriels et miniers dans les pays arabes


Printing and reproduction of recorded media

Supply and installation of naming and numbering plates in Jeddah, Phase 1 - 17184

Categorization : Printing and reproduction of recorded media, Manufacture of machinery and equipment not elsewhere classified, Manufacture of electrical equipment

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

2023/04/30 (Expired :)

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Acquisition of office supplies, paper and printing materials for the benefit of the various departments of the security authority of Agadir in one share

Categorization : Printing and reproduction of recorded media, Manufacture of paper and paper products

Kingdom of Morocco

2023/04/12 (Expired :)

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Supplying a line of copiers

Categorization : Printing and reproduction of recorded media

State of Libya

2023/03/16 (Expired :)

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Ad space
