Requests - La première plateforme numérique spécialisée de demandes et d'offres de produits industriels et miniers dans les pays arabes


Textile manufacture

Tailoring and supply of uniforms

Categorization : Textile manufacture

Sultanate of Oman

2022/09/12 (Expired :)

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Custom clothing request

Categorization : Textile manufacture

Sultanate of Oman

2022/09/17 (Expired :)

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For more details please sign in or Create a new account

Request for tailoring and supplying Omani uniforms

Categorization : Textile manufacture

Sultanate of Oman

2022/05/08 (Expired :)

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Request for a uniform for forest appointees for the year 2021

Categorization : Textile manufacture

Republic of Tunisia

2021/11/30 (Expired :)

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Request personal protective equipment

Categorization : Textile manufacture

Republic of Tunisia

2021/12/01 (Expired :)

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Application for work clothes for the municipality of Kairouan

Categorization : Textile manufacture

Republic of Tunisia

2021/11/04 (Expired :)

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Request to buy a carpet

Categorization : Textile manufacture

State of Kuwait

2021/12/05 (Expired :)

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Ad space
