Requests - La première plateforme numérique spécialisée de demandes et d'offres de produits industriels et miniers dans les pays arabes


Manufacture of basic pharmaceutical products and pharmaceutical preparations

Request for the supply of an analysis device for the laboratory

Categorization : Manufacture of basic pharmaceutical products and pharmaceutical preparations

Sultanate of Oman

2021/12/12 (Expired :)

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Supplying pharmaceuticals.

Categorization : Manufacture of basic pharmaceutical products and pharmaceutical preparations

Sultanate of Oman

2021/12/12 (Expired :)

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Supply and installation of antibody testing system

Categorization : Manufacture of basic pharmaceutical products and pharmaceutical preparations

Sultanate of Oman

2021/12/15 (Expired :)

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Supply and installation of a system for testing antibodies in the Royal Hospital

Categorization : Manufacture of basic pharmaceutical products and pharmaceutical preparations

Sultanate of Oman

2021/12/15 (Expired :)

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Request for provision of surgical materials

Categorization : Manufacture of basic pharmaceutical products and pharmaceutical preparations

Sultanate of Oman

2021/12/13 (Expired :)

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Supply and installation of medical binoculars

Categorization : Manufacture of basic pharmaceutical products and pharmaceutical preparations

Sultanate of Oman

2021/12/07 (Expired :)

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Supply of microbiology tools to the Royal Hospital

Categorization : Manufacture of basic pharmaceutical products and pharmaceutical preparations

Sultanate of Oman

2021/11/25 (Expired :)

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Supplying pharmaceuticals.

Categorization : Manufacture of basic pharmaceutical products and pharmaceutical preparations

Sultanate of Oman

2021/11/30 (Expired :)

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